Multilingual voice surveys to hear every stakeholder
One of the most fundamental barriers in building surveys that include the entire community is language. Ella incorporates multilingual voice transcription and translation so that every one of your stakeholders, no matter their native language, can participate and be heard.
Unlimited feedback without barriers.
AKA how surveying in the 21st Century should be.
Pioneered alongside experts
One of the most important features that our team wanted to build was multilingual voice notes for Ella. When we look at the survey marketplace, multilingual functionality is often hidden behind an "Enterprise" paywall, and restricted to multiple choice or short answer questions. Our mission with Ella is to reduce the barriers that exist between admin and stakeholder. The first barrier was the need for respondents to stop their day and spend 10 minutes filling out a survey with seemingly endless multiple choice questions and dreaded long response questions. We fixed that with voice notes in Ella. The second barrier was respondent trust in survey administrators that their voices were actually being heard. Using Ella's AI Survey Designer, we reduced the hours that were previously needed to analyze open responses to minutes, and generating reports summarizing survey results to mere seconds. This was all in hopes that Ella users would be able to share what their communities felt in real-time as responses come in. The third barrier was language. English-only platforms do a disservice to their users. Our team shares a vision with our users of involving the entire community, regardless of a stakeholder's mother tongue. With multilingual text, multiple choice, and voice questions, we're working to break down the language barrier that exists in today's surveying market.
Ella's multilingual functionality plugs seamlessly into topic classification
Multilingual voice, text and multiple choice questions
No matter the type of question you're asking, Ella is built for users to respond in over 100+ languages.
Auto-English translation for topic classification
All responses are auto-translated to English, allowing the survey administrator to skim through responses in any number of languages and easily analyze and chart results.
Audio recordings of all responses
Transcription is never 100%. Ella gives the survey administrator the option to save audio recordings for listening at a later time.
Let's get started with Ella
Our team is always innovating through the conversations we have with our community. Whether you're surveying for the first time or already have subscriptions to six different platforms, send us a message and let's chat about where Ella fits in your process.
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